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Public Order Policy Consultation

The Toronto Police Service Board (Board) invites you to participate in a consultation on a new Board policy on public order.


Ontario Regulation 392/23: Adequate and Effective Policing (General) made under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (Act), requires, among other things, that police service boards establish a policy on police action in respect of protests, demonstrations and occupations.

The policing of protests, demonstrations and occupations poses a complex and delicate challenge, as the Toronto Police Service (Service) is required to respect the constitutional rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly of all people, while also ensuring community safety and preserving the peace. Due to the unique complexity and considerable public interest in this matter, the Board is seeking the public’s input on the overriding principles and key elements that should be a part of this policy.

The Board’s Role in setting a Public Order policy

Under the Act, the Board must ensure the provision of adequate and effective policing and establish policies dealing with the administration of the Service. The Board is restricted from establishing policies with respect to specific investigations, the conduct of specific operations, or the management or discipline of specific police officers.

Furthermore, the Board is restricted from establishing policies that would require a Member of the Service to do something, or refrain from doing something, where this would be inconsistent with their duties under the Act or its regulations, or that would prohibit a Member of the Service from attempting to collect information for the purpose of investigating an offence or assisting with the prosecution of an offence.

Finally, the Board may not direct the actions of any Service Member other than the Chief of Police.

In light of these requirements and operational prohibitions, the Board’s Public Order Policy may:

  • set the priorities for the Service in the area of policing protests, demonstrations and occupations, and;
  • direct the Chief in establishing procedures that allow Service Members to execute their lawful duties in a manner that meets the expectations and values of the community.

Make Your Voice Heard!

The Board values input from the public on this crucial element of the Service’s interaction with members of the public.

Members of the public are encouraged to express to the Board their views on important elements they would like to see in the Board’s new Public Order Policy, and suggest priorities the Board should establish for the Service and the Chief in this area.

The consultation is open to all members of the public, organizations, and community groups.

Submissions can be made in writing, or by audio or video recording.

Submissions will be accepted through the form below, or by mail.

Please note that all submissions made as part of the consultation will form part of the public record, and will be posted on the Board’s website as provided, with your name. The Board retains the ability not to post to the website submissions that include personal information about third parties, make use of offensive language or include hate speech.  Please ensure your submission does not include any personal information you do not wish to make public (e.g., phone number, email address, etc.). The field marked as "additional information" will not form part of the public record. If you provide your submission via mail and wish to include your contact information or any additional information, please include this on a separate, clearly labeled sheet of paper. This additional information will not be considered as part of the consultation and will not be posted.

Submissions will be accepted from June 28 until August 30.

The Board Office will review all submissions and consider them in the development of a draft Public Order Policy, to be considered by the Board.

If you have any questions, please email us using our Contact Us page.

Reference Materials


Name *
Email *
Submit your statement (written or audio/video recording) as a file Please note that any information included in your submission will be made part of the public record. Do not include any private information. If you would like to share contact or other information with us privately, please use the box labeled "additional information" below.
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Or write your written statement here
Include additional information here

Thank you for your submission to the consultation!


If you would like to mail in your submission, please use the following address:

Toronto Police Service Board
40 College Street
Toronto, ON Canada M5G 2J3

 Mailed in submissions must be received by August 30, 2024.


Photo by Amine M'siouri