Meeting Schedule
The Toronto Police Services Board generally meets once per month, on a date and time that is posted on the Board’s website and publicly announced in advance. In general, meetings begin at 9 a.m. and are open to the public. Meetings will generally move to in-camera shortly after opening. The open session will resume at approximately 1p.m., and the public will be advised of any unexpected changes. Meetings are also livestreamed, and links to the YouTube livestream of the meeting, as well as the meeting agenda, will be published on the Meetings page at least five business days before the meeting. Members of the public may register in advance to give a deputation before the Board once the Agenda is published, using the Deputation Request form.
The 2025 schedule of meetings for the Toronto Police Services Board is outlined below. All meetings will be held in a hybrid format (i.e., in person with some participants joining virtually). Unless noted otherwise, all Board meetings will be held at the auditorium at TPS Headquarters, on 40 College St.
- Tuesday, January 14
- Tuesday, March 4
- Thursday, April 10
- Wednesday, May 14
- Thursday, June 12
- Thursday, July 17
- Thursday, September 11
- Monday, October 6
- Thursday, November 6
- Thursday, December 11
The dates and locations for any of the meetings noted above may be changed, if necessary, during the year. Notice will be provided if any changes occur.
The conduct of Board meetings is governed by a Procedural By-Law
Board meetings are LiveStreamed on the Service's YouTube Channel and can be accessed by clinking this link.