Recruitment, Appointments and Promotions
September 27, 2021 |
Minute No.: P2021-0927-3.0. |
March 2, 2023 April 30, 2024 March 4, 2025 |
Minute No: P2023-0302-2.0. Minute No: P2024-0430-3.0. Minute No: P2025-0304-5.0. |
Chief to report to Board quarterly, annually, and as required, as described |
Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, S.O. 2019, c. 1, Sched. 1, ss. 37(1)(b) and (c). |
Guiding Principles
The Toronto Police Service Board (Board) is the employer of Members of the Toronto Police Service (Service), and is responsible for the recruitment, hiring, appointment and promotion of all Members, sworn and civilian. In addition, candidates for appointment as Police Officers must meet the conditions as prescribed in sections 83(1) and 85 of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (the Act) and any other conditions as approved by the Board from time to time.
The members of a police service have a direct and real impact on the lives of those who interact with them, as victims of crime, as suspects, or in any other circumstances. Both the hiring and promotion processes play critical roles in the composition of a policing service, determining who is a part of it and who ultimately is placed in positions of seniority and leadership, shaping the way in which decisions are made, and the approach to delivering police services in partnership with Toronto’s communities.
Recruitment, hiring and appointment of new Members, as well as promotions, must be made in the context of a long-term human resources strategy, identifying the educational attainment, skills and characteristics sought after in new Members and in individuals in leadership and supervisory positions, and ensuring that the Service’s Members represent a diversity of backgrounds, experiences and perspectives at all levels, and reflect the priorities of the Board and the need to ensure proper succession of senior roles by qualified individuals, representing a diverse range of perspectives and backgrounds. At the same time, the Board is committed to building a more inclusive, accessible and barrier-free workplace that supports all Service Members in realizing their full potential.
The hiring and promotional processes used by the Service must also be transparent, accessible, efficient and procedurally fair for those that are involved in them. The processes for selection should ensure that bias and the appearance of bias do not manifest in the decision-making process. More than this, the hiring and promotions processes used by the Service must be designed so as to dislodge any systemic bias that may have potentially limited certain groups’ opportunities to undertake job assignments traditionally valued as the most rewarded or challenging in policing.
Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that the processes for the Service’s hiring, appointments, promotions, reclassifications and terminations for both its sworn and civilian Members emphasize the following as priorities:
- Ensuring that Members embody the Service’s values, and are ready and able to provide excellent and equitable policing services to all the people of Toronto, in partnership with the communities;
- Ensuring that Toronto’s diversity is reflected both in new Members and throughout the ranks and levels of the Service, both in sworn and civilian Members;
- Maintaining hiring and promotions processes that recognize the existence of systemic barriers, are designed to address and minimize these barriers and facilitate opportunities to more equitably provide the most rewarded and challenging job assignments to those with the proven ability to undertake them;
- Ensuring excellence in the Service’s leadership cadre, emphasizing proven leadership in decisions that advance the organization;
- Incorporating comprehensive organizational succession-planning into the promotional process and promotional decision-making;
- Transparently and fairly including and considering candidates’ disciplinary history in promotional decision-making;
- Ensuring appropriate oversight over all reclassification and termination decisions; and
- Reporting regularly to the Board on hiring, appointments and promotion recommendations or decisions.
In this policy:
- Appointment means the appointment of a police officer under section 83 of the Act, or the appointment of a Special Constable under section 92 of the Act, where such Special Constable will be employed by the Board;
- Hiring means the initial establishment of an employer-employee relationship between a new hire and the Board;
- Promotion means the assignment of a member to a higher rank or job classification;
- Classification means a job classification as outlined in the Collective Agreements between the Board and the Toronto Police Association or the Toronto Police Service Senior Officers’ Organization;
- Reclassification means the movement of a constable to a gradation within the rank of constable as defined in the Board’s Rank Structure Policy, or the movement of a civilian member from one classification to another which is not a promotion.
Board’s Policy
It is, therefore, the policy of the Toronto Police Service Board that:
Recruitment and Appointments
- The Chief of Police will establish processes for the recruitment of new sworn and civilian Service Members, ensuring that the processes and approach:
- Reflect the requirements for appointment as set out in the Act and any other applicable legislation;
- Require that successful cadet-in-training candidates must have at least a secondary school diploma or equivalent, and preference is given to candidates with at least one of the following:
- a university degree;
- a degree from a college of applied arts and technology authorized to grant the degree;
- a degree from an Indigenous Institute that is approved under the Indigenous Institutes Act, 2017 to grant the degree.
- a diploma or advanced diploma granted by a college of applied arts and technology following successful completion of a program that is the equivalent in class hours of a full-time program of at least four academic semesters; or
- a certificate or other document by a post-secondary institution evidencing successful completion of a program that the regulations prescribe as being equivalent to a degree or diploma described in subclause (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv);
- Give preference in the selection of successful cadet-in-training candidates to those with work or volunteer experience, and particularly those experiences that demonstrate alignment with Service values and those that are rooted in community service
- Are inclusive, comprehensive, and linked to communities across Toronto, including those whose members have not historically sought or successfully secured employment with the Service;
- Are grounded in a comprehensive strategic human resources approach that is data-driven, analytical and regularly evolving to meet the needs of the Service;
- Ensure that any communication or advertisement of open positions will not contain unnecessary or discriminatory barriers that would screen out potential employees for reasons unrelated to qualifications, merit, or occupational requirements;
- Are clearly communicated on the Service’s website, through its social media channels, and through traditional media (where applicable); and,
- Are evaluated regularly to ensure that recruitments and appointments achieve the purposes outlined in this Policy and priorities as articulated by the Board from time to time and in its Strategic Plan, including:
- representing the diversity of the City and the continued progress being made in this regard;
- transparency of the process and its decisions, and the satisfaction of candidates with its procedural fairness;
- timeliness of the process and of the communication of decisions to candidates;
- supporting the goal to be an employer of choice; and,
- providing the promotions process with a strong slate of potential candidates for promotion with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.
- To be appointed by the Board as police officers and hired as Service Members, in addition to meeting any minimum standards for appointment articulated in the applicable legislation, cadets-in-training must also successfully complete the applicable training program conducted at the Ontario Police College and at the Toronto Police College.
- The Board will, after taking into account the recommendations of the Chief of Police, determine whether to appoint and/or hire sworn and civilian Members, recognizing the Board’s role as employer, the significant legal authorities that accompany the role of a police officer, and the role civilian governance and oversight plays in promoting public confidence in policing.
- The Board’s responsibility to hire new civilian members to the Service is delegated to the Chair and Vice Chair, except for hiring to the following classifications, which shall be approved by the Board:
- Civilian Senior Officer classification of Z30 and above; and,
- Excluded Member classification of X36 and above.
4a. The Board’s power to appoint new police officers and special constables may be delegated to a committee as determined in the Board’s Committees Bylaw.
- The Board authorizes the Chief of Police to appoint employees of the Board who are under the direction of the Chief as police cadets to undergo training, in accordance with section 90(1) of the Act.
5a. (1) For the purpose of this section, “appointment” is defined to include the appointment of a Special Constable under section 92 of the Act, where such Special Constable will be employed by a Special Constable Employer approved by the Ministry.
(2) The Chief of Police be designated as the Board’s agent with respect to the development of the agreements made between the Board and Special Constable Employers as approved by the Board from time to time;
(3) The Chief of Police will review the applications for Special Constable appointments where such Special Constables will be employed by a Special Constable Employer, and present to the Board with recommendations for consideration to appoint the applicants as Special Constables, in accordance with the Act.
Job Descriptions
- The Chief of Police will establish processes to ensure that:
- Job descriptions for all civilian classifications are developed, updated and maintained;
- Job descriptions reflect legitimate requirements and standards of the job and will be evaluated in accordance with the applicable collective agreement(s) to ensure that the requirements are bona fide and updated as appropriate; and,
- New job descriptions are approved by the Chief of Police or their delegate, provided that the delegate is a Director or Staff Superintendent or of higher rank.
The Promotional Process
It is further the policy of the Board that the Chief of Police will develop procedure(s) regarding the promotional process for Service Members:
- Stating that, to apply and be eligible for promotion, candidates must meet all the mandatory requirements of the process;
- Outlining that the promotional process must be:
- open, fair, consistent and transparent;
- reflect the diversity and evolving needs and expectations of the communities served by the Service;
- accommodating, so as to reflect unique individual circumstances;
- based on the Service’s core competencies and values; and,
- grounded in a comprehensive and strategic human resources approach that includes succession planning in identifying current and future leaders;
- Requiring enhanced transparency in any promotional process, including:
- the advance posting and description of any promotional opportunities, so as to provide sufficient notice for those that may wish to apply and adequately prepare for the process;
- publication of the specific criteria that will be applied to promotional decision-making;
- a fulsome description of the elements of the promotional process, so as to provide candidates with sufficient information to adequately prepare for the process;
- for civilian positions, clearly outlined career pathways for advancement and promotion; and,
- the dissemination of information about the outcomes of any promotional process in terms of those who were successful, including aggregate and de-identified gender-identity and race-based statistics;
- Where a change to the established promotional process is being contemplated, the Chief of Police will consult with the Chair, Vice Chair and Executive Director and Chief of Staff prior to the implementation of the change(s) in process.
- For sworn promotions (in addition to sections 7 and 8, above):
- Indicating that candidates for promotion must have at least two years with a clear discipline record from the date of any finding of serious misconduct made as a result of the professional discipline process prescribed by the Community Safety and Policing Act;
- Requiring that a candidates’ previous two-year disciplinary and complaint history, including complaints that were not substantiated but that, when taken as a whole, may suggest a pattern of behaviour that could impact on the candidate’s suitability for promotion:
- be considered as part of the promotional process; and,
- reported on to the Board in camera when making any promotional recommendation by the Chief of Police.
- For sworn promotions and where appropriate for civilian promotions, placing emphasis in the promotional process on a candidate’s particular skills and proven abilities in effectively and compassionately representing the Service’s core competencies and values when: assisting people in crisis, including those experiencing mental health and addictions issues; supporting and contributing to community safety and community relationships, in particular with members of Black and Indigenous communities and other racialized, marginalized and vulnerable communities; engaged in situations that require the application of de-escalation approaches and techniques.
Approval of Promotions
It is further the policy of the Board that:
- The Board will, after taking into account the recommendations of the Chief of Police, determine whether to approve promotions or appointments of sworn Service Members to the rank of Inspector or above, of civilian Senior Officers to the classification of Z36 or above, and promotions to Excluded positions to the classification of X36 or above.
- All promotions of sworn Service Members to ranks below Inspector, or of civilian Service Members to classifications other than Z36 and above, will be approved by the Chief of Police or their delegate, provided that the delegate is a Staff Superintendent or Director or of higher rank.
- All promotions or appointments to Excluded positions below the classification of X36 will be approved by the Chair and Vice Chair.
Reclassifications and Confirmation in Rank
- All reclassifications and confirmations in rank for sworn Members will be approved by the Chief of Police or their delegate, provided that the delegate is a Staff Superintendent or Director or of higher rank, except in cases where the Member has outstanding civil claims, Law Enforcement Complaints Agency complaints and/or Professional Standards complaints, where approval by the Chair and Vice Chair is required.
- All reclassifications for Civilian Members will be approved by the Chief or their delegate, provided that the delegate is a Director or Staff Superintendent or of higher rank.
- All terminations of civilian senior officers below the classification of Z36 will be approved by the Chief of Police or their delegate, provided that the delegate is a Director or Staff Superintendent or of higher rank or classification. Terminations of civilian senior officers at the classification of Z36 will be approved by the Chief of Police only.
- All terminations of probationary sworn members will be reviewed by the Board’s Executive Director and Chief of Staff, and approved by the Appointments Committee.
- The Board holds the sole authority for any termination of a Command Member, as defined in the Board’s Chief of Police and Command Members policy.
Reporting Requirements
- All terminations by the Chief or their delegate must be reported annually to the Board and should include the following:
- justification for the termination
- an outline of the steps that were taken to address the issues leading to termination; and
- all equity and inclusion matters which may be related to the termination
- The Chief of Police will report at the earliest Board Meeting possible to inform the Board of any barriers that impact the ability to comply with any of the requirements under section 1 of this Policy, and propose a mitigation plan to address these barriers, including expected timelines.
Further, it is the policy of the Board that:
- The Chief of Police will Provide an annual report to the Board, including:
- A description of the current promotional process(es), and any changes implemented during the reporting period;
- New job descriptions for civilian Service Members;
- De-identified demographic data, including the distribution of race, gender identity, and other demographic information, for candidates being considered for hire, for every stage of the hiring and appointment process;
- Detailed and de-identified demographic information about applicants applying for, and who are successful in promotion, including race, gender-identity and other demographic information, and an analysis of trends at every stage of the promotional process, including analysis concerning whether it appears that there may be systemic or other barriers to promotion based on aggregated demographic information, and if so, what strategies the Service intends to employ in order to rectify any identified barriers in, or concerns that have arisen concerning the promotional process and/or disparate outcomes for identified groups;
- De-identified demographic information concerning the distribution of race, gender identity, and other demographic information for all Members who have been terminated; and,
- A summary and analysis of workplace well-being and/or human rights-related issues or concerns raised in Service exit interviews where a member has resigned, and the Service’s response to these issues or concerns.
administration and infrastructure, inclusion, human resources, labour relations