Special Fund
November 4, 1993 |
Minute No: P624/93 |
March 27, 2000 May 12, 2005 January 25, 2007 May 21, 2009 November 15, 2010 February 16, 2012 March 27, 2013 March 19, 2015 May 2, 2022 |
Minute No: P126/00 Minute No. P157/05 Minute No: P32/07 Minute No: P149/09 Minute No: P292/10 Minute No: P44/12 Minute No: P73/13 Minute No: P74/15 Minute No: P2022-0502-8.0. |
November 15, 2010 March 27, 2013 |
Minute No: P292/10 Minute No: P73/13 |
The Executive Director and Chief of Staff will report semi-annually on requests authorized by the Chair and Vice-Chair Annual Procedural Audit Program Evaluation Reports |
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, ss. 31(1)(c), 132(2). Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, S.O. 2019, c. 1, Sched. 1, as amended, ss. 38, 258(2) (Not yet in force) |
February 11, 1993 May 1, 2000 July 22, 2010 June 27, 2019 September 19 2019 August 18, 2020 |
Minute No. P78/93 Minute No P200/00 Minute No. P208/10 Minute No. P141/19 Minute No. P188/19 Minute No. P129/20 |
The Toronto Police Services Board (Board) is committed to allocating funds from the Special Fund for matters of public interest that support community engagement initiatives aimed at fostering safer communities, which include collaborative relationships with community members and organizations. The Board believes that community engagement is the basis for enhancing community safety and well-being that builds healthy, strong and inclusive communities. The Board prioritizes the relationship between developing local capacity to engage on community safety issues of public interest and improving police and community relations.
As well, the Board, as the statutory employer of Toronto Police Service Members, recognizes the importance of utilizing the Special Fund to support internal initiatives that celebrate Member contributions and support their health and well-being.
Section 132(2) of the Police Services Act and section 258(2) of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (the Act) establishes that police boards have the sole authority for spending the proceeds from the sale of property which lawfully comes into the possession of the police service. The Act stipulates that "the Chief of Police may cause the property to be sold, and the Board may use the proceeds for any purpose that it considers in the public interest." In the case of the Board, the proceeds from such sales are placed into a fund known as the Special Fund.
This Policy sets out the criteria and administrative processes for applications to the Board for funding from the Special Fund, as well as delegated categories of funding for assessment and approval by the Chair and Vice-Chair. This Policy consolidates and replaces the decisions of the Board made on the date of its last amendment.
It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that with respect to expenditures from the Special Fund the following will apply:
A. Community Safety and Well-being Initiatives
The Board may consider applications for funding from the Special Fund for initiatives that align with the priorities of the Board, enhance community safety and well-being and reinforce its commitment to SafeTO’s mandate.
The following criteria apply to applications for funding from the Special Fund:
- The proposed initiative must involve community members, community partners, the Toronto Police Service (the Service) and/or the Board;
- The applicant or applicant organization must be located in Toronto;
- The proposed initiative must take place in Toronto;
- The proposed initiative must be consistent with the Board’s priorities and objectives, as identified in its business plan or strategic plan, or which have been the subject of Board direction or decision;
- The applicant must demonstrate a capacity for proper management and fiscal responsibility; and,
- Prioritization will be given to initiatives that:
- Involve Members of the Service as active participants;
- Support engagement, outreach or capacity building within local communities;
- Focus on community safety and well-being initiatives and have as an objective:
- Strengthening police/community relations, particularly with marginalized and/or vulnerable youth or communities;
- Increasing access to information, skills and supports that address community safety or well-being issues; and/or,
- Increasing capacity to address systemic issues that impact community safety.
Applications for Funding
All applications for funding from the Special Fund must be made in writing and completed using the application form provided by the Office of the Toronto Police Services Board.
Applications for funding from the Special Fund shall include the following:
- A description of the initiative for which funding is requested;
- A description and history of the applicant or applicant organization;
- Clear and measurable objectives and desired outcomes for the proposed initiative;
- A clear explanation of how funded initiatives will be evaluated;
- Where appropriate, (for example, where the applicant requires funding in addition to the Board's contribution) a plan showing how the proposed initiative will be fully funded and sustained in future years once Board funding has been exhausted;
- A budget for the initiative that accounts for any proposed funding from the Special Fund;
- A timeline for the initiative, including a timeline for the completion of the initiative;
- One or more letters of reference and, where the initiative contemplates the participation of Service Members and/or a Division or Unit of the Toronto Police Service, at least one letter of reference from the Chief of Police or Divisional/Unit Commander of the participating Division or Unit; and,
- Any other information requested by the Office of the Toronto Police Services Board.
Assessment of Applications for Funding
Applications for funding from the Special Fund will be considered by the Board at a regular monthly meeting.
All applications shall be accompanied by a recommendation from the Executive Director and Chief of Staff based on their assessment and compliance with this Policy. The report shall include a concise assessment of the proposed initiative’s likely contribution towards the goals and priorities of the Board, as well as a specific recommendation for the amount of funding.
Where the Executive Director and Chief of Staff does not recommend an application for the Board’s consideration, the applicant will be provided with reasons for the decision.
Documentation on Award
In addition to any other terms, an applicant may be required to enter into an agreement with the Board on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Board for receiving the funding.
Report on Conclusion
Except for funding approved by the Chair and Vice-Chair under a delegated category of funding, it shall be a condition of funding from the Special Fund that an applicant deliver a report to the Board at the conclusion of the funded initiative.
The report shall be in a form required by the Executive Director and Chief of Staff and shall include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the funded initiative, as well as an accounting of the funds provided from the Special Fund.
B. Delegated Authority
The Board delegates to the Chair and Vice-Chair the authority to assess and approve funding that fall into certain identified categories as described below.
The Executive Director and Chief of Staff shall report semi-annually on the requests approved in the delegated categories of funding. This report shall include the amount of funding provided from the Special Fund for each approved request since the previous report, as well the current balance of the Fund.
The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board are delegated the authority to assess and approve funding from the Special Fund for the following categories and on the following basis:
1. Corporate Awards and Recognition Programs
Expenditures and costs related to the Board’s formal recognition of the long or meritorious service of Board Members, Toronto Police Service Members, Auxiliary Members and Volunteers, which includes expenditures and costs associated with the Board's awards and recognition initiatives.
2. Contributions to Ontario Association of Police Services Boards (OAPSB) and Canadian Association of Police Governance (CAPG)
Contributions towards CAPG and OAPSB Annual Conference up to $7,500 each. Any amount above $7,500 shall require approval of the Board.
3. Annual Community Initiatives
Funding not to exceed a total amount of $10,000 per individual initiative hosted or supported in whole or in part by the Board and the Service.
The Service shall provide a report to the Board by March 31 of each calendar year: (i) listing the initiatives planned for that year, (ii) providing a rationale for the funding being sought for each initiative (iii) providing an accounting and description for the previous year's expenditures. Only initiatives listed in the Service's report for the upcoming year will be eligible for funding from the Special Fund.
4. Consultative Committees
Funding in accordance with the Board’s Community Consultative Groups Policy will be provided for each of the following:
- Community Policing Liaison Committees;
- Community Consultative Committees;
- Chief’s Advisory Council; and
- Chief’s Youth Advisory Council.
The annual funding from the Special Fund to each of the Community Policing Liaison Committees, the Community Consultative Committees and Chief's Advisory Council shall not exceed $1,000. The annual contribution to the Chief’s Youth Advisory Council shall not exceed $2,000.
It is a condition of funding in this category that: (i) the funds provided only be used to support engagement and outreach initiatives by the receiving Community Consultative Groups or Community Police Liaison Committees and (ii) providing an accounting and description for the previous year's expenditures.
5. Victim Services Toronto
Funding to Victim Services Toronto shall not exceed $25,000 per year. Victim Services Toronto shall submit an annual report to the Board outlining its activities for the year in which funding was received and accounting for the funding received from the Special Fund.
No funding in this category shall be approved without receipt of the above report from the year prior.
6. Public Engagement and Consultation
Funding for public engagement and consultation concerning the Toronto Police Service budget or for other public consultation on matters of public interest.
The Chair and the Vice-Chair may approve funding up to $15,000 per initiative. Any amount that exceeds $15,000 shall require approval of the Board.
7. In Memoriam Funding
Funding to celebrate and memorialize the lives and contributions of active Members of the Service or in respect of other persons who have had a close connection to the Service or Board, and who have passed away.
The amount provided from the Special Fund to purchase an item or provide a donation in lieu, shall not exceed $200.00 per person.
8. Wellness Day Funding
Funding for the Toronto Police Service Wellness Unit to support the Service’s Annual Wellness Day.
Funding in this category shall not exceed $4,000 per year. Any request for funding in excess of $4,000 shall be approved by the Board.
9. Toronto Police Amateur Athletic Association
Funding to offset the expenses of Service Members participating in Toronto Police Amateur Athletic Association (“TPAAA”) sponsored events and competitions. This funding shall not exceed $200 per member, per event.
10. Fitness Facilities
Funding to offset the cost of fitness equipment in police facilities.
Funding in this category shall not exceed 1/3 of the cost of such equipment that is not otherwise covered by other government funding as per the Collective Agreement.
11. Audit
Funding to cover the cost of an independent annual procedural audit of the Special Fund.
12. Claimed Amounts
Funds to resolve claims from owners, finders or next-of-kin whose property and/or monies have been deposited into the Special Fund.
Board Discretion
At its discretion, the Board may consider exceptions to this Policy and approve funding from the Special Fund as and on any terms it deems appropriate. All exceptions to this Policy shall be clearly identified and justified in a report to the Board when that funding is being considered.
The provision of funding from the Special Fund is at the Board's sole discretion, and may be provided or refused even if all application criteria are met, and may be provided in the absence of a request or application.
C. Administration of the Special Fund
With respect to the administration of the Special Fund:
- All funding of initiatives is subject to the availability of funds in the Special Fund;
- The Board reserves the right not to fund any recurring or ongoing contributions to community safety and well-being initiatives as well as persons and/or organizations that have already received funding from the Special Fund;
- The approval of funding from the Special Fund for any initiative or for any purpose shall not be considered or treated as a precedent which binds the Board to future funding;
- The Special Fund will not support retroactive funding of initiatives that have already taken place, unless exceptional circumstances are present that may require it;
- The Board shall not approve an amount greater than $25,000 for any application for funding from the Special Fund;
- The Board shall maintain a minimum balance of $150,000.00 in the Special Fund in order to meet its commitments under the delegated categories of funding;
- It shall be a condition of any funding from the Special Fund that any unspent funds shall be returned to the Special Fund by an approved applicant;
- Interim financial reports will be submitted to the Board by the Service’s Accounting Services on a semi-annual basis. Expenditures will be compared to the Fund balance; and,
- In the event that the Special Fund cannot or may not meet the Board's commitments from the Special Fund, the Chair and Vice Chair have the delegated authority to freeze any approved funding and place a moratorium on further funding from the Special Fund for up to six months. If the Chair and Vice-Chair exercise this delegated authority, they will report to the next meeting of the Board on their actions.
professional excellence, victims' assistance, budget and finance, community relations, health and safety, board administration