Grievance Settlements
May 1, 2000 |
Minute No: P159/00 |
March 2, 2023 (R/A) July 21, 2016 (R/A) November 15, 2010 (R/A) |
Minute No. P2023-0302-2.0. Minute No. P174/16 Minute No: P292/10 |
Annual |
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). |
It is important to the Toronto Police Services Board (Board) that Members of the Toronto Police Service (Service) are treated fairly and receive prompt resolution of grievances that they may bring forward. The Manager of Labour Relations, acting on behalf of the Board, has the day-to-day responsibility for the resolution of all grievances and associated employment-related disputes. For the purposes of this Policy, a grievance is a difference concerning the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of the provisions of the collective agreement, and includes, but is not limited to, an employment-related Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (H.R.T.O.) Application.
This Policy establishes the levels of authority that apply when grievances are submitted by Members of the Service.
It is, therefore, the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that:
Levels of Authority
- The Manager of Labour Relations has the authority to approve all grievance settlements relating to non-monetary issues.
- The Manager of Labour Relations has the authority to approve all accounts for external labour relations counsel, as well as all monetary grievance settlements up to $100,000.
- The Director, People & Culture has the authority to approve all accounts for external labour relations counsel, as well as all monetary grievance settlements up to $250,000.
- The Chief Administrative Officer has the authority to approve all accounts for external labour relations counsel, as well as all monetary grievance settlements up to $500,000.
- The Chief of Police has the authority to approve all accounts for external labour relations counsel, as well as all monetary grievance settlements up to $1,000,000.
- All accounts for external labour relations counsel, as well as all monetary grievance settlements over $1,000,000 require the approval of the Board. The report submitted for Board consideration must contain a summary of the issue, an explanation of any attempts to resolve the matter (if applicable), and the rationale for the recommended resolution.
- The Service’s Labour Relations Unit will retain the documents and materials associated with all grievance settlements, and destroy them in accordance with the applicable retention schedule.
Reporting to the Board
- The Service’s Labour Relations Unit will provide an annual statistical report with information concerning grievances, including employment-related applications to the H.R.T.O., at the March Board meeting each year. The report will contain the following information:
- Number of grievances received in the previous fiscal year
- Number of grievances settled, withdrawn or dismissed in the previous fiscal year
- Types of grievances in a. and b., above
- A chart containing the status of all outstanding/active grievances, including employment-related applications to the H.R.T.O., including the stage of each matter and the form of any resolution (if applicable)
- Legal fees expended on grievance activity in the previous fiscal year
- Total annual cost of all financial settlements associated with the previous fiscal year’s grievances, including employment-related applications to the H.R.T.O.
- Additional analysis that describes any linkages between new grievances and any internal complaints and/or investigations, and any key policy issues or trends which may have a substantial impact on the collective agreements and/or which could benefit from the Board’s further consideration in relation to revised or new Policy.
- The Service’s Labour Relations Unit will also provide a copy of all arbitration awards and minutes of settlement to the Board’s Executive Director and Chief of Staff on an ongoing basis, and the Board will be kept advised of this information through the Office of the Police Services Board.