Designated Special Events
July 16, 2015 |
Minute No: P186/15 |
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c) |
Independent Civilian Review into Matters Relating to the G20 Summit, 2012 |
The role of the Toronto Police Services Board is to ensure adequate and effective policing for the City of Toronto. Due to its local, national and international stature, the City of Toronto regularly hosts high-profile special events. As some of these events may be large in magnitude, there is significant impact on the Toronto Police Service (“the Service”).
In order for the Board to fulfil its role in ensuring adequate and efficient policing, it is the policy of the Board that the Chief of Police will ensure that organizationally–significant special events are designated as such, and that regular consultation is undertaken with the Board regarding the policing of such events, as well as the continuity of police operations through the city for their duration.
Consultation between the Board and the Chief of Police is the main process by which the Board can engage in an assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the policing services provided during Designated Special Events, as defined in this policy. Accordingly, this policy is intended to establish a framework for ensuring that the associated Service planning, training, and operations during Designated Special Events will involve consultation and co-ordination between the Board and the Chief of Police.
Criteria for Designated Special Events:
For the purpose of this policy, the Board will determine, on recommendation of the Chief of Police, whether a special event will be a Designated Special Event based on an evaluation of the following criteria. This recommendation will be made in a report to the Board. The Board may also, of its own accord, recommend that a special event be determined to be a Designated Special Event, in consultation with the Chief:
- The event is beyond the scope of day-to-day operations for the Service and has the potential to substantially disrupt public peace, order or security;
- The event is sponsored or hosted by the federal or provincial government, or another external entity;
- The time frame available for planning may negatively affect the adequacy and effectiveness of police services;
- The event requires extraordinary funding and reimbursement agreements with external agencies;
- Operational and/or planning decisions are subject to the approval of any other entity;
- The command and control structure involves police agencies from multiple jurisdictions;
- The event features extraordinary operational requirements;
- Requests for legislative change to accommodate the policing of the event may be required;
- Continuity of regular policing service may be at risk of disruption; and
- Any other relevant criteria.
It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that:
Planning for Designated Special Events
- Where the Board or Chief of Police learns of the potential for the City of Toronto to be selected as the host city for an event that is sponsored by the federal or provincial government, or another entity, and which is determined to be a Designated Special Event, the Chief of Police will make a formal request to the host/sponsor on matters relevant to the Service’s participation in the Designated Special Event and will provide the information to the Board;
- Where the Service will be involved in policing and security for a Designated Special Event, the Chief of Police, in consultation with the Board, will work to establish a framework funding agreement with the relevant entity or entities;
- Where specific timing issues may require the Chief of Police or the Board to deviate from usual practices in order to expedite the procurement of equipment and other supplies, the Chief of Police will provide to the Board, in a timely manner, relevant information regarding any expenditures;
- Where there is a possibility that the Designated Special Event will affect the Service’s ability to deliver regular policing service in the City of Toronto, the Chief of Police will provide the Board with information demonstrating how continuity of service will be achieved.
Contribution Agreements
- Where a contribution agreement with a government entity will determine the recovery of costs applicable to the Service’s involvement in a Designated Special Event, the Chief of Police will keep the Board apprised of the negotiation of the contribution agreement;
- The Board, if required, may obtain legal advice concerning the Board’s financial exposure as a result of the contribution agreement and, in particular, whether there are any provisions that may place at risk the Board’s ability to recover all funds spent in relation to the Designated Special Event;
Operational Plans
- Where the Chief of Police is required to develop operational plans for a Designated Special Event, the Chief of Police will:
- Provide the Board with confirmation that the operational plan provides for adequate and effective policing; and
- Inform the Board of any barriers and/or challenges which may impede the Service’s ability to provide adequate and effective policing during the Designated Special Event, including whether the amount of time available for planning is sufficient.
- Where the circumstances of the Designated Special Event include an extraordinary operational requirement, the Chief of Police will ensure, where appropriate, that major event planning specialists and other relevant experts are engaged to assist the Service in the development of operational plans and the design of any associated specific processes:
Joint Operations
- Where the Service is involved in a joint operation related to the policing of a Designated Special Event, the Chief of Police will provide the Board with information regarding:
- The planning structure, including information regarding the Service’s role in that structure and whether planning decisions by the Service are subject to the approval of any other entity; and
- The command and control structure for the Designated Special Event, including information to demonstrate that it will enable the Service to provide adequate and effective police services for the Designated Special Event and for the City of Toronto generally.
- The Chief of Police will ensure the provisions of adequate and effective training of Service officers and external officers seconded to assist the Service with policing a Designated Special Event and provide confirmation to the Board that such training has been provided;
- The information the Board receives should permit it to determine whether the training accords with the Board’s existing policies and give the Board an opportunity to identify any gaps in its policies that need to be addressed prior to the Designated Special Event;
Public Communications
- The Chief of Police will provide information to the Board with respect to significant communications issued to the public during the course of a Designated Special Event; and
Establishment of Sub-Committee
- When considered appropriate, the Board may establish a Designated Special Event Sub-Committee to facilitate information-gathering, information-sharing and consultation between the Board, the Chief of Police and other entities, such as Toronto City Council and other levels of government.
planning, board-command interaction, special events, G20-report, cross-jurisdictional, command, board administration