September 24, 1998 |
Minute No: P420/98 |
June 24, 2024 (A) February 24, 2016 (R/A) June 18, 2015 (R/A) February 16, 2012(R/A) November 15, 2010 (R/A) February 25, 1999 (R/A) November 19, 1998 (R/A) |
Minute No. P2024-0624.60 Minute No. P33/16 Minute No. P155/16 Minute No: P19/12 Minute No: P292/10 Minute No: P100/99 Minute No: P477/98 |
Annual Professionalism & Accountability Report |
Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, S.O. 2019, s. 37 |
Guiding Principles
The Toronto Police Service Board (Board) is committed to recognizing the long and meritorious service of its Members, and to promoting excellence in policing by maintaining an awards system that supports the mission, vision and values of the Toronto Police Service (Service).
Purpose of the Policy
It is the purpose of this Policy to support the Service in maintaining an awards system that embodies the core values and mission of the Service, and ensures proper recognition of its Members, as well as members of the community.
"In good standing" requires that a Member has at least two years with a clear discipline record from the date of consideration of any finding of misconduct under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, by a hearing tribunal.
Policy of the Board
It is the policy of the Board that the following will govern the Service's award system:
Standing Awards Committee
- The Board will maintain a Standing Awards Committee ("the Committee").
- The Committee will ensure corporate consistency and fairness in the determination of eligibility for awards. The Committee is responsible for determining the recipients of the following awards:
- Medal of Honour
- Medal of Merit
- Merit Mark
- Commendation
- Teamwork Commendation
- Partnership Award
- Community Member Award
- Robert Qualtrough Award
- Mental Heath Excellence Award
- Auxiliary Police Commendation;
- The Committee is responsible for recommending to the Toronto Police Service Board candidates for the following awards:
- Medal of Honour
- Medal of Merit
- The Committee membership will be comprised of 12 voting members, including: one (1) voting representative from the Board, four (4) voting Civilian representatives and six (6) voting Uniform representatives from each of the Command areas and one (1) representative from the College. The Unit Commander of the Awards and Recognition Unit will chair and administer the Committee but is not eligible to vote. For occasional absences only, Committee members may appoint designates;
- Six voting members constitute a quorum of the Committee;
- The Executive Director of the Board, or designate, will act as the Board's representative on the Committee;
- The Committee will administer an appeal process for reviewing decisions in cases where new information affecting the decision has come to light; and,
- The Committee will make recommendations to the Board, through the Executive Director or designate, for changes to the awards system.
- The Committee will ensure corporate consistency and fairness in the determination of eligibility for awards. The Committee is responsible for determining the recipients of the following awards:
- The Board grants the following awards:
- Medal of Honour
- granted to a police officer or a civilianMember for distinguished acts of bravery
- requires approval of the Board following recommendation by the Standing Awards Committee
- Medal of Merit
- granted to a police officer or civilian Member for outstanding acts of bravery or highest level of performance of duty
- requires approval of the Board following recommendation by the Standing Awards Committee
- Merit Mark
- granted to a police officer or a civilian Member for exemplary acts of bravery, performance of duty, community policing initiatives, or innovations or initiatives that enhance the image or operation of the Service
- approval delegated to Standing Awards Committee
- Commendation
- granted to a police officer or a civilian Member for exceptional performance of duty, community policing initiatives, or innovations or initiatives that enhance the image or operation of the Service
- approval delegated to Standing Awards Committee
- Teamwork Commendation
- granted to groups and teams of uniform and civilian Members for exceptional performance of duty, the development and implementation of community policing initiatives or any innovation or initiative that enhances the image or operation of the Service. All recipients will have successfully participated in a common goal or an event
- approval delegated to Standing Awards Committee
- Community Member Award
- acknowledges member of the public in for acts of unselfish assistance rendered to the Service, including recognition of long service volunteers or for an initiative or innovation that has had a positive effect on the image or operation of the Service
- approval delegated to the Awards Co-ordinator
- Partnership Award
- acknowledges unselfish assistance given to the Service by groups of citizens or organizations. The award also recognizes initiatives and innovations that have had a positive impact on the image or operation of the Service
- approval delegated to Standing Awards Committee
- Robert Qualtrough Award
- In honour and in memory of the late Superintendent Robert Qualtrough, this annual award will be given, jointly, to community members and to uniform and/or civilian Service Members who have demonstrated excellence and leadership through their participation in an innovative and effective police-community partnership initiative. For the purposes of this award, effective police-community partnerships are those which foster relationships of trust and showcase police and community working toward a common cause - the safety of our communities.
- Mental Health Excellence Award
- This annual award will be given to Service Members who have demonstrated excellence, compassion and respect in their interactions with members of the community who are experiencing mental illness.
- Examples of meritorious service include a demonstration of exemplary de-escalation techniques or particular sensitivity in dealing with an individual experiencing mental illness, or an established body of work over many years or an entire career in this area.
- Auxiliary Police Commendation
- granted to an Auxiliary Member for outstanding or meritorious auxiliary police service
- approval delegated to Standing Awards Committee
- Auxiliary Police Service Certificate
- presented upon completion of five years of continuous Auxiliary police service with good conduct, and every continuous five years thereafter
- Retirement/Resignation Certificate
- presented to Members, in good standing, upon retirement after the completion of a minimum of ten years of service; or, upon resignation after the completion of a minimum of 25 years of service
- the Chief of Police is authorized to determine whether or not a Member is considered to be "in good standing"; the Chief of Police will notify the Chair of the Board of a Member(s) determined not to be "in good standing"
- if a Member is found not to be in "good standing", the Chair of the Board will make the final decision
- Medal of Honour
- The Board also grants the following Long Service awards:
- 25-Year Watch
- presented to uniform and civilian Members upon completion of 25 years of service with the Board. Auxiliary Members receive a watch upon the completion of 25 years of Auxiliary police service. A watch may also be granted to a Member posthumously, where the Member passes away within six months of achieving 25 years of service.
- the Chief of Police is authorized to determine whether or not a Member is considered to be "in good standing"; the Chief of Police will notify the Chair of the Board of a Member(s) determined not to be "in good standing"
- the Chair of the Board will make the final decision should a conflict arise with respect to a Member's "in good standing" status
- Civilian Long Service Pin
- Presented to civilian Members upon the completion of 20, 30, 40 and 50 years of employment in a civilian capacity
- Auxiliary Police Service Certificate
- presented upon completion of five years of continuous Auxiliary Police service with good conduct, and every continuous five years thereafter
In granting Long Service awards, the following will apply with respect to breaks in service:
- A break in service of two (2) consecutive years or more is subtracted from the accumulated time in service; this includes breaks due to long-term illnesses or work-related injuries
- An authorized parental or educational leave of less than three (3) years, is not credited against time in service
- 25-Year Watch
Police Excellence Award
- Individual Service Members, as well as groups of Service Members comprised of six (6) members or less, who are granted an award listed above in section 3(a-j), are eligible to be selected as recipients of the Police Excellence Awards, the Police Officer of the Year, Business Excellence Award, Civilian Excellence Award and Police Animal Excellence Award (in partnership with a Service animal). This awards program is administered by a separate judging panel.
Lieu Time Award
- When Members are granted a Medal of Honour, Medal of Merit, Merit Mark, Commendation or Teamwork Commendation, eight hours of non-cashable lieu time will be awarded to the Member, provided that no such other award of lieu time has been granted.
Board Approval Required
- Board approval is required for changes to the awards