Arrangements with RCMP for International Events
February 19, 2013 |
Minute No: P29/13 |
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act, S.C. 1991, c. 41, s. 10.1. |
Independent Civilian Review into Matters Relating to the G20 Summit, Recommendation No. 12 |
Joint force operations involving a number of policing agencies are complicated and, where possible, steps should be taken to maximize the consultation between the agencies. Consultation between different police services of different jurisdictions can help clarify their respective roles in the planning and operations stages of an event.
As set out in the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (FMIOA), where the legislation applies, “…the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has the primary responsibility to ensure the security for the proper functioning of any intergovernmental conference in which two or more states participate.”
The FMOIA goes on to state that “…to facilitate consultation and cooperation between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and provincial and municipal police forces, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, enter into arrangements with the government of a province concerning the responsibilities of members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and members of provincial and municipal police forces with respect to ensuring the security for the proper functioning of…” such a conference.
Arrangements made in these situations can usefully set out the division of planning responsibilities to guide the federal, provincial, and municipal entities that are working to create security framework, and identify the statutory or common law authority that each policing and security partner, including the Toronto Police Service (the Service), may need to rely upon to perform their respective operational functions during the event or operation.
By specifying these basic components through an arrangement made under section 10.1(4) of the FMIOA, the Service can also determine early in the planning process whether there are any potential concerns, issues or gaps that need to be addressed prior to the commencement of the event or operation.
In addition, a discussion about such an arrangement encourages an important process of consultation between the Board and the Chief regarding the priorities and objectives of the Board and Service in relation to an event or operation.
It is, therefore, the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that where the RCMP will be involved in an international event for which a security plan is required which includes the participation of the Service:
- The Board will encourage the federal and provincial governments to enter into an arrangement under section 10.1(4) of the FMOIA; and
- The Board will seek an opportunity to provide input concerning the details of such an arrangement, including the policing functions the Service can fulfill for the event or operation and the legal authorities for the Service’s involvement in security for the event or operation.
special events, joint forces, G20-report, cross-jurisdictional