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Board Members: Conduct Complaints


December 11, 2003

Minute No: P344/03


November 15, 2010

April 30, 2024

Minute No: P292/10

Minute No: P2024-0430-3.0.




Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, S.O. 2019, c. 1, Sched. 1, ss. 106 and 108

Code of Conduct for Police Service Board Members, O. Reg. 408/23.


The Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (Act), and O. Reg. 408/23, Code of Conduct for Police Service Board Members, require Board Members to comply with a code of conduct. This regulation sets out the code of conduct for police service board members which is intended to strengthen civilian governance by clarifying the behaviors that are expected and prohibited of individual board members.

Pursuant to the Act, complaints about board member conduct are made to the Inspector General of Policing for Ontario.  The Inspector General is an independent office responsible for ensuring compliance with the Act and its regulations.

Policy of the Board

It is, therefore, the policy of the Toronto Police Service Board that:

  1. In accordance with section 106 of the Act, any person who believes that a Board Member has committed misconduct may make a complaint to the Inspector General of Policing.
  2. In accordance with section 108 of the Act, if a person who may make a complaint to the Inspector General under section 106 of the Act instead makes a complaint to the Board or another Board Member, the Board or Board Member (or Board Staff, on behalf of the Board or Board Member) will forward the complaint to the Inspector General, inform the person who made the complaint that the complaint has been forwarded, and provide the person with information about the role of the Inspector General.

complaints, professional conduct, board administration