Board Member Expense and Travel Reimbursement
November 28, 2006 |
Minute No: P361/06 |
November 15, 2010 |
Minute No: P292/10 |
November 15, 2010 |
Minute No: P292/10 |
Chair to report to Board quarterly |
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). |
Toronto City Council – Expense and Travel Reimbursement Policy Toronto Police Service Procedure 18-13 |
It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board with respect to Board Members’ expenses and travel reimbursement that all reasonable expenses incurred while tending to business authorized by the Board will be reimbursed.
Business Travel
- Travel must be approved in advance by the Board in order for Board Members to claim reimbursement. On occasions where the need for travel arises unexpectedly and there is not sufficient time to seek Board approval, the Chair and Vice Chair may approve travel requests when the estimated cost of the travel is less than $3,000 and funds are available in the approved operating budget;
- Normally, travel arrangements will be made on behalf of Board Members by Board staff; however, on occasions when Board Members make their own arrangements reimbursement will be provided in accordance with this policy;
- When combining personal travel with Board authorized business travel, Board Members will be reimbursed only for the portion of the travel costs that relate to the business travel;
- When a Board Member uses a personal vehicle for business authorized by the Board, not including travel to and from Board meetings, the Board Member will be reimbursed mileage in accordance with the existing Toronto Police Service Senior Officers’ Organization Collective Agreement. When choosing to travel by ground transportation, Board Members will be reimbursed for the lesser of the actual travel expense incurred or the estimated economy airfare cost, unless specific rationale and authorization has been given for reimbursement at a higher rate. Travel mode should be the most economical conveniently available;
- Board Members on business authorized by the Board who rent a vehicle, travel by train, bus or airplane, will be reimbursed for such travel expenses. Economy fares will be booked, if available. Vehicle rental must be approved by the Board or its designate at the time of booking travel. Receipts must be provided;
- Board Members required to stay overnight at a destination outside the Greater Toronto Area (“GTA”) while tending to business authorized by the Board, will be reimbursed for their accommodation costs. Receipts must be provided;
- A per diem to cover the costs of meals and miscellaneous personal expenses will be provided for each day of travel including the day of departure and return. Reimbursement is equal to the per diem allowance provided for the Chief of Police and Command Officers. Currently, the allowance for reimbursement is $75.00 Canadian funds or Canadian funds equivalent to $75.00 S. (if the travel is outside Canada). Per diem allowances are only provided if Board Members travel outside the GTA and stay overnight outside the GTA. Receipts are not required for the reimbursement of per diem allowances; and
- The cost of ground transportation, taxis, public transit, parking, costs to or from a terminal, and roadway tolls will be reimbursed. Receipts must be provided.
In addition to the preceding items outlined in the business travel section of this policy the following will also apply to conference expenses.
- Accommodation while attending conferences will be a standard room in the convention or conference hotel at the conference rate, if available, or standard accommodation in another hotel at an equivalent or lower cost;
- Incidental expenses on hotel bills such as movie rentals and dry cleaning are the responsibility of Board Members and will not be reimbursed;
- Board Members are responsible for making their own arrangements for companion programs at conferences;
- Board Members must pay their own expenses for costs related to social events which are not included in an event’s registration fee;
- Where travel is extended for reasons not associated with business authorized by the Board, reimbursement will not be provided for the extended period;
General Expenses
- Board Members who are tending to business authorized by the Board that spans normal meal times may be reimbursed for all reasonable meal expenses, if meals are not provided. Receipts must be provided and the Chair, or the Vice Chair, as appropriate, must authorize the expense;
- Charges for the purchase of alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed;
- Incidental childcare expenses incurred as a result of attending Board meetings or other authorized Board business may be reimbursed where the Board deems financial hardship would otherwise result. Receipts must be provided;
- Upon request by a Board Member, travel costs to and from Board authorized meetings and events may by reimbursed by the Board. The travel mode selected should be the most economical conveniently available means of travel. Receipts must be provided, except for public transit fares;
- All receipts with respect to travel must be submitted to Board staff within 10 business days of the completion of travel;
- On occasions when Board Members are issued with a corporate charge card, expenses charged to a personal charge or credit card will not be reimbursed except in situations where a merchant declines to accept the corporate card; and
- Claim forms must be signed, both by the Board Member making the claim and the Chair of the Board who is authorizing the claim, before submitting them for processing. In the case of the Chair, the Vice Chair must authorize claims.