LXXII LE-045 – Suspect Apprehension Pursuits
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, s 31(1)(c) Suspect Apprehension Pursuits, O. Reg. 266/10, s 5 & 6 |
Suspect apprehension pursuits are an essential component of policing. This policy is intended to ensure that police pursuits are safely undertaken, managed, terminated, and, where appropriate, prevented.
It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that:
- The Chief of Police will establish procedures consistent with the requirements of the Suspect Apprehension Pursuits Regulation;
- The Chief of Police will ensure that police officers, dispatchers, communications supervisors and road supervisors receive training accredited by the Solicitor General on suspect apprehension pursuits;
- The Chief of Police will ensure that police officers receive training about the intentional contact between vehicles consistent with the requirements of the Suspect Apprehension Pursuits Regulation;
- The Chief of Police will address the use of tire deflation devices and officer training in respect of those devices;
- The Chief of Police will ensure that the particulars of each suspect apprehension pursuit are recorded on a form and in the manner approved by the Solicitor General; and
- The Chief of Police will enter into agreements with neighboring police services to determine under what circumstances decision making responsibility for a pursuit will be, and will not be, transferred from one jurisdiction to another.
adequacy standards, law enforcement, interaction with public, vehicles, cross-jurisdictional