LXV LE-038 – Fraud and False Pretence Investigations
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). Adequacy & Effectiveness of Police Services, O. Reg.3/99, s. 12(1)(g). |
It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that:
- The Chief of Police will develop and maintain procedures and processes for undertaking and managing fraud and false pretence investigations in accordance with the Service’s criminal investigation management plan;
- The Chief of Police will work, where possible, with municipal and provincial social assistance officials and the Crown Attorney, to develop a local protocol on the investigation of social assistance fraud;
- The Chief of Police will establish, where possible, cooperative arrangements for the investigation of fraud and false pretences occurrences with appropriate agencies and industries which are frequently involved in such investigations; and
- The Chief of Police will ensure that police officers investigating complex fraud and false pretences occurrences have the knowledge, skills and abilities required.
investigation of crimes, adequacy standards, law enforcement