LVI LE-029 – Offences Involving Firearms
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). Adequacy & Effectiveness of Police Services, O. Reg. 3/99, s. 12(1)(n). Criminal Code, R.S.O. 1985, C.46, as amended, Part III and XV. |
It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that:
- The Chief of Police will develop and maintain procedures for undertaking and managing investigations into offences and occurrences involving firearms;
- The Chief of Police will develop and maintain procedures on preventing offences/occurrences involving firearms;
- The Chief of Police will develop and maintain procedures relating to the Firearms Interest Police (FIP) category of CPIC; and
- The Chief of Police will ensure that Service members are provided with information on all search and seizure powers with respect to firearms, ammunition, related licenses, certificates or permits and prohibition orders as provided for under the Criminal Code of Canada and other applicable legislation.
adequacy standards, law enforcement, investigation of crimes, firearms