XLVIII LE-021 – Abuse of Older Persons and Vulnerable Adult Abuse
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). Adequacy & Effectiveness of Police Services, O. Reg. 3/99, s. 12(1)(f). |
It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that:
- The Chief of Police will develop and maintain procedures on the processes for undertaking and managing investigations into abuse of older persons and vulnerable adult abuse in accordance with the police service’s criminal investigation management plan; and
- The Chief of Police, where possible, work in partnership with the local Crown Attorney, municipalities, community and social service agencies/providers, businesses, seniors’ and other local agencies to develop programs for preventing and responding to complaints of elder and vulnerable adult abuse, including fraud awareness and prevention.
adequacy standards, law enforcement, investigation of crimes, interaction with public, vulnerable populations