XLIII LE-016 – Prisoner Care and Control
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). Adequacy & Effectiveness of Police Services, O. Reg. 3/99, s. 13(1)(l). |
It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that:
- The Chief of Police will establish procedures and processes for:
- the care and control of prisoners, including effective monitoring; and
- responding to an escape from police custody.
- The Chief of Police will ensure that members involved in prisoner care and control have the knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform this function;
- Following an individual’s escape from police custody, the Chief of Police will review the procedures, processes and practices of the police service for prisoner care and control and, at the discretion of the Chief of Police, report the findings to the Board;
- Following an in-custody death, the Chief of Police will review the procedures, processes and practices of the police service for prisoner care and control and submit the Report of Investigation (as per section 11 of Ontario Regulation 673/98 of the Police Services Act) to the Board upon the conclusion of any associated Special Investigations Unit investigation;
- The Chief of Police will ensure that procedures and processes established under this policy provide that where young people are to be detained in the same facility as adults, specific measures be taken to guarantee compliance with the Youth Criminal Justice Act, S.C. 2002, c.1; and
- The Chief of Police will ensure that procedures and processes established under this policy provide that where male, female, and transgender individuals are to be detained in the same facility, specific measures be taken to separate completely male, female, transsexual and transgendered prisoners.
law enforcement, adequacy standards, persons in custody, interaction with public