XXVI ER-009 – Underwater Search and Recovery Units
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). Adequacy and Effectiveness of Police Services, O. Reg. 3/99. Occupational Health and Safety Act Diving Operations Regulation 629/94. |
It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that:
- The Service will provide the services of an underwater search and recovery unit by using its own members;
- The underwater search and recovery unit’s services will be available 24 hours a day within a reasonable response time;
- The Chief of Police will establish procedures that:
- set out the circumstances in which and processes by which underwater search and recovery services will be deployed, including the process for obtaining the service and reporting relationships;
- establish the process for the deployment of other emergency response services, including receiving assistance from other agencies;
- ensure the ongoing training of members who provide this service; ensure that underwater search and recovery unit members are qualified to perform their specific tasks in accordance with Competency Standard for Diving Operations CAN/CSA-Z275.4-02 or where amended;
- ensure that the underwater search and recovery unit members perform their tasks according to the Occupational Safety Code for Diving Operations CAN/CSA-Z275.2-92 or where amended;
- ensure that underwater search and recovery unit members comply with all relevant standards as set out in the Occuational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), the Diving Operations Regulation, the Canadian Standards Association and all relevant standards and legislation as set out by the Ministry of The Solicitor General;
- ensure that appropriate equipment, in accordance with OHSA, the Diving Operations Regulation and the Ministry’s designated equipment and facilities list, is used and available to the members who provide this service;
- ensure that a reference file on all diving hazards is developed, maintained and available to each member providing this service;
- establish a selection process for the unit, including ensuring that members who provide this service meet the requirements of local policies and procedures; and
- ensure that the police service’s major incident commanders receive training in their responsibilities and the capabilities of the underwater search and recovery unit.