XV AI-015 – Equipment-Body Armour
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). Equipment and Use of Force Regulation 926. Occupational Health and Safety Act. |
It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that:
- The Chief of Police will ensure the provision of body armour equipment that is constructed to provide the level of protection necessary for the performance of duty that addresses:
- the type of weapons members are likely exposed to;
- protection for members from their own handguns and ammunition that are in accordance with prescribed specifications;
- The Chief of Police will ensure the provision of body armour that is purchased from manufacturers that:
- practice effective quality control for testing and labeling in accordance with current National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Standards/Requirements on Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor;
- are certified under current International Organization for Standardization-ISO 9001:2008 standards for production and manufacturing; and
- ensure that the body armour provided is listed on the NIJ Compliant Products List, including replacement panels and carriers, in accordance with current NIJ Standards/Requirements;
- The Chief of Police will ensure that each member uses, maintains and cares for the body armour provided in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
- The Chief of Police will ensure that a formal and documented inspection program is in place that addresses wear and tear;
- The Chief of Police will ensure that members receive the appropriate training on the legislative requirements of OHSA and information on use and care, as well as the benefits and limitations of body armour; and
- The Chief of Police will consult with designated employee representatives regarding the acquisition of body armour.
adequacy standards, administration and infrastructure, equipment and uniform, health and safety