III City Council Protocol
Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, s. 31(1)(c). Adequacy and Effectiveness of Police Services, O. Reg. 3/99, ss. 30(1), 31, 32. |
It is the Policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that:
- The Board will provide Toronto City Council with the opportunity to contribute to the development of the Board’s Business Plan, including notifying the Clerk of any public meetings or consultation processes scheduled by the Board for the development of the business plan; and with the opportunity of jointly determining, and participating in, the consultation processes.
- The Board will take into consideration, and where appropriate incorporate, Toronto City Council’s strategic priorities and plans in its Business Plan.
- The Board’s Business Plan, which is to be published at the end of the three year cycle, will be made available to Toronto City Council no later than July 30 and to the general public no more than 30 days after.
- The Board will provide copies of the Toronto Police Service Annual Statistical Report, the Annual Report and the Service Performance Year End Report to Toronto City Council and to the general public no later than July 30.
- The Board will provide Toronto City Council with notice of dates, times and locations of monthly meetings of the Toronto Police Services Board in January of each year.
- The Board will provide information as required or requested by Toronto City Council or as directed by the Board for City Council’s consideration, with respect to Board meeting agendas, minutes, budgets and any other matter from time to time as may be permitted by section 35 of the Police Services Act.
- The Board will review and respond to Toronto City Council decisions applicable to the Board. In its response, the Board will give consideration to its statutory responsibilities and the objectives of both the Board and Toronto City Council relevant to the decision.
In addition, and in accordance with the recommendations in the Independent Civilian Review into Matters Relating to the G20 Summit (Hon. John W. Morden, 2012):
- Toronto City Council will communicate to the Board any information it obtains pertaining to the Board or the Service or that is necessary for the effective and efficient provision of policing services in Toronto, in a timely manner.
- The Board will ensure that matters relating to the policing of major events which concern the City of Toronto will be communicated to City Council in a timely manner.
- Where Toronto City Council considers matters with respect to the policing of major events, City Council will share this information with the Board in a timely manner, and so as to facilitate appropriate planning and coordination with the Service.