Police Board to hold Hybrid Meeting on January 14, 2025
TORONTO: The next scheduled meeting of the Toronto Police Service Board will take place on January 14, 2025 at 9:00AM. It should be noted that the Board will commence in public at 9AM before moving in camera for its confidential meeting, which will now take place prior to attending to the held public agenda items. It is estimated that the regular public meeting will resume at 1PM.
The agenda is available on the Board’s website at: https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings.
Members of the public who wish to make a deputation on an item included in the agenda may register using the regular process, at https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings/making-a-deputation. The request must be received no later than 12:00PM on Monday January 13, 2025.
The Board’s meeting will proceed as a hybrid meeting.
Sign-up to make a deputation
If you wish to sign up to make a deputation on an item, please use our Making a Deputation sign-up form: https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings/making-a-deputation. Registered deputants will have the option of making their deputation in-person or virtually. Virtual deputations would be available either by video via WebEx, or audio-only by phone. Please note deputations on items not appearing on the agenda will not be accepted.
In addition, members of the public and media are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting as an observer through our livestream at: https://youtube.com/live/LC1kgfejXkA
Items of Interest at this Board meeting include:
In accordance with section 36(1) of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, which provides that the Board is required to elect a Chair at its first meeting in each year, the Board Members will elect a Chair of the Toronto Police Service Board. The Board will also elect a Vice-Chair.
The Board will hear a presentation from the Project Magnify project team. As the presentation notes, the vision of the project is to magnify the Service’s policing presence, and increase officers’ visibility in communities through the alterative use of the marked police vehicle light bar, and the use of Guardian Angel Lights (G.A.L.s) to illuminate officers. The presentation will contain details of the pilot for this project, which ran from August 1 – October 21, 2024, and resulted in favourable community sentiment. The presentation will also include information about the Service-wide rollout, including the associated costs.
The Board will consider a report from Dubi Kanengisser, Executive Director, recommending that the Board approve a proposed new Board Policy on critical points, which outlines when and how the Board should be informed of items of relevance to its mandate. The concept of this proposed policy was first developed by The Honourable John W. Morden in the report of the Independent Civilian Review into Matters Relating to the G20 Summit, and augmented and revised in a number of subsequent reports, including the report of the Independent Civilian Review into Missing Person Investigations (“Missing and Missed”). The proposed Policy establishes a protocol for the Chief to advise the Board of potential “critical points,” and for the Board to determine whether the potential “critical point” requires a request for additional information and/or the provision of direction to the Chief, such as setting objectives and priorities. As the report notes, the Board may also independently identify a planned or anticipated event as a potential “critical point,” and request the Chief to advise the Board accordingly.
The Board will consider a report from Dubi Kanengisser, Executive Director, regarding the 2024 Review of the Paid Duty Process prepared by the Toronto Police Service’s
Audit & Quality Assurance unit. As the report notes, the scope of this audit included a review of the relevant Service Procedure and available unit specific policies, access rights to the Paid Duty Management System and discussion with members of the Central Paid Duty Office. The report included two recommendations for the development of unit specific policies to 1. Outline key processes, required approvals, pre-determined criteria or circumstances that support decision making for all paid duty types, and all required notations be developed; and 2. Require the Central Paid Duty Office to review user access rights within the Paid Duty Management System on an annual basis to identify members that are no longer authorized to add or alter paid duty entries be developed.
As with all meetings, a recording of this meeting will be posted and archived to the Toronto Police Service YouTube account at https://www.youtube.com/TorontoPolice for members of the public to access later at their convenience.
Contact: Sandy Murray
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