Police Board to hold Hybrid Meeting on Monday, June 24, 2024

TORONTO: The next scheduled meeting of the Toronto Police Service Board will take place on Monday June 24, 2024 at 9:00AM.
The agenda is available on the Board’s website at: https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings.
Members of the public who wish to make a deputation on an item included in the agenda may register using the regular process, at https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings/making-a-deputation. The request must be received no later than 12:00PM on Friday June 21, 2024.
The Board’s meeting will proceed as a hybrid meeting.
Sign-up to make a deputation
If you wish to sign up to make a deputation on an item, please use our Making a Deputation sign-up form: https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings/making-a-deputation. Registered deputants will have the option of making their deputation in-person or virtually. Virtual deputations would be available either by video via WebEx, or audio-only by phone. Please note deputations on items not appearing on the agenda will not be accepted.
In addition, members of the public and media are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting as an observer through our livestream at:
Items of Interest at this Board meeting include:
The Board will hear a presentation and consider a report from Chief Demkiw which will provide information regarding the Missing Persons Unit and changes to how the Toronto Police Service investigates missing people as a result of implementing the 151 recommendations arising from Missing and Missed, the report from the Independent Civilian Review into Missing Person Investigations. As the Board report details, the changes the Service has made to how missing people are investigated have dramatically reduced the time it has taken to locate missing people and the impact to their loved ones and the community. The report also states that the Service will continue to focus on engaging in meaningful relationship-building and engagement with the community.
The Board will consider a report from Danielle Dowdy, the Board’s Senior Advisor, Strategic Policy & Stakeholder Relations, regarding the 2025 Budget Committee. The purpose of the report is to recommend striking the 2025 Budget Committee that will assist in the development of the Toronto Police Service’s 2025 capital, operating, and Parking Enforcement Unit’s budget requests as well as the Board’s 2025 operating budget request. As the report notes, the Budget Committee’s meetings will be convened in public, in accordance with the Board’s Procedural Bylaw. As with all public Board meetings, members of the public will have an opportunity to participate through our established deputation process. The report also adds that the Board will ensure that there will be other opportunities for public input into the budget process, with exact details to be determined.
The Board will consider a report from Chief Demkiw which will share the findings, insights, and recommendations arising from an independent evaluation of the Service’s 2023 Sergeant and Staff Sergeant Promotional Process. As the report notes, the design and administration of promotional processes have been an ongoing discussion and focus area for the Service in the last number of years. As the report also rightly recognizes, fair and transparent human resource processes are critical to Member trust, sound labour relations and community confidence. The report details the significant changes made to the processes to enhance their objectivity, consistency and fairness. The report also notes that the evaluation’s findings, insights and recommendations will inform future promotional processes. The report concludes by stating that the Service remains steadfast in its commitment to continuous improvement to develop sector leading, best-in-class, people processes that are fair, equitable and transparent.
The Board will consider a report from Chief Demkiw providing an update on the Toronto Police Service’s compliance with implementing Recommendation 79 of the 81 Recommendations on Police Reform, which requires a status update on the implementation of the recommendations made in the Action Plan: The Way Forward, including what has been implemented, what remains to be implemented, and what additional recommendations for modernization can lead to more effective and efficient police service delivery. As the report notes, Strategy Management - Strategic Projects Unit has continued to track implementation of the remaining items marked “In Progress” in the November 2020 update report for this recommendation. The report states that all 33 items listed in the original Action Plan can be considered as implemented: 19 have been implemented 13 are implemented and ongoing, and one has been implemented in an alterative format. As the report concludes, the Service looks forward to continuing to work together with our City partners and other external stakeholders to achieve positive change through implementing all of the 81 Recommendations for Police Reform.
As with all meetings, a recording of this meeting will be posted and archived to the Toronto Police Service YouTube account at https://www.youtube.com/TorontoPolice for members of the public to access later at their convenience.
Contact: Sandy Murray
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