Police Board to hold Hybrid Meeting on Tuesday April 30, 2024

TORONTO:Â The next scheduled meeting of the Toronto Police Service Board will take place on Tuesday April 30, 2024 at 9:00AM.
The agenda is available on the Board’s website at: https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings.
Members of the public who wish to make a deputation on an item included in the agenda may register using the regular process, at https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings/making-a-deputation. The request must be received no later than 12:00PM on Monday April 29, 2024.Â
The Board’s meeting will proceed as a hybrid meeting.Â
Sign-up to make a deputationÂ
If you wish to sign up to make a deputation on an item, please use our Making a Deputation sign-up form: https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings/making-a-deputation. Registered deputants will have the option of making their deputation in-person or virtually. Virtual deputations would be available either by video via WebEx, or audio-only by phone. Please note deputations on items not appearing on the agenda will not be accepted.
In addition, members of the public and media are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting as an observer through our livestream at: https://youtube.com/live/BPhGc7FJP3o?feature=share
Items of Interest at this Board meeting include:
The Board will hear a presentation and consider a report from Chief Demkiw containing an update on the progress in implementing Phase 2 of the Race and Identity-Based Data Collection (R.B.D.C.) Strategy. The report details the work to date in Phase 2, which launched in January 2023, and includes a significantly expanded scope by including several police interactions that diverse communities prioritized: arrests and arrest outcomes, mental health apprehensions, and youth diversions.
As the report notes, the Service has made significant progress in implementing Phase 2 of the Strategy grounded in a new approach that builds on the lessons learned from Phase 1 and also enables a broader, deeper, and continuous engagement with the Community Advisory Panel (C.A.P.), Service Members, community members, and cross-sectoral stakeholders throughout the entire cycle from data analysis to action.
The Board will consider a report from Dubi Kanengisser, the Board’s Executive Director, regarding a compliance update for changes required by the new Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (the Act), which came into force on April 1, 2024. This Act replaces the Police Services Act, 1990, as the legislation that governs police services and their boards in Ontario. As the report notes, the modernized Act includes a number of changes impacting the Board and its processes. This report provides an update on the ongoing work by the Board Office to bring the Board into compliance with the Act, including changes to existing Board Policies, the development of new Board Policies, a change to the Board’s name and crest, and other changes made to meet the new legislative requirements.
The Board will consider a series of reports from Chief Demkiw and a report from the Board’s Executive Director Dubi Kanengisser regarding budget variance reports for 2023. As the report on the Service’s operating budget variance notes, the Service was dealing with a potential shortfall of $7.8M earlier in the year due to unbudgeted pressures, but through various mitigation efforts, it was able to significantly reduce this pressure by the end of the year. Despite these mitigation efforts, when also taking into consideration the overall health of the Service’s reserves, the total net expenditures were $1,168.3M, resulting in a year-end unfavourable variance of $1.8M. The report describes the significant unfavourable variance in the premium pay budget, in part, due to the need for increased staffing to deal with auto theft and carjackings, and the Service’s response to local events related to the conflict in the Middle East.
As with all meetings, a recording of this meeting will be posted and archived to the Toronto Police Service YouTube account at https://www.youtube.com/TorontoPolice for members of the public to access later at their convenience.
Contact:Â Â Â Â Â Sandy Murray
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