Police Board to hold Hybrid Public meeting on January 11, 2024

TORONTO: The next scheduled meeting of the Toronto Police Services Board will take place on January 11, 2024 at 9:00AM.
The agenda is available on the Board’s website at: https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings.
Members of the public who wish to make a deputation may register using the regular process, at https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings/making-a-deputation. The request must be received no later than 12:00PM on Wednesday January 10, 2024.
The Board’s meeting will proceed as a hybrid meeting.
Sign-up to make a deputation
If you wish to sign up to make a deputation on an item, please use our Making a Deputation sign-up form:
https://www.tpsb.ca/meetings/making-a-deputation. Registered deputants will have the option of making their deputation in-person or virtually. Virtual deputations would be available either by video via WebEx, or audio-only by phone.
In addition, members of the public and media are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting as an observer through our livestream at:
Items of Interest at this Board meeting include:
In accordance with section 28 of the Police Services Act, which provides that the Board is required to elect a Chair at its first meeting in each year, the Board Members will elect a Chair of the Toronto Police Services Board. The Board will also elect a Vice-Chair.
The Board will consider a report from Executive Director Dubi Kanengisser, containing an update on the implementation of the Board Policy on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, approved by the Board in February 2022. As the report notes, the
Service has concluded a comprehensive process to identify all applications of AI in use by the Service, and will post the inventory of all “High Risk” and “Low Risk” applications identified. In conducting this process, it was determined that utilizing the deliberately broad definition in the Policy did not result in capturing any relevant applications that were not captured by the core definition of AI technology, and it is, therefore, recommended that, to minimize unnecessary resource requirements, for future analyses, only the core definition be used.
The Board will consider a report from Chief Demkiw recommending that the Board authorize the Chair to execute three Memorandums of Understanding (M.O.U.) between the Board and each of the following partner hospitals: Unity Health Toronto, Scarborough Health Network and North York General Hospital in relation to the Mobile Crisis Intervention Team (MCIT) Program, which partners a mental health nurse and a specially trained police officer to respond to 911 emergency and police dispatch calls involving individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. While there are MOUs already in place with two of the hospitals noted, with the existing MOUs being dated, and in receipt of a request from the North York General Hospital to enter into a MOU, the Service redrafted the MOU to bring it up to date, including sections specific to MCIT. as first or co-responders, body-worn cameras and pandemic situations. As the report notes, the MCIT program aligns with, and reaffirms, the Service’s commitment to its Mental Health and Addictions Strategy of zero deaths, while ensuring the well-being, safety, rights and dignity of individuals and communities.
The Board will consider a report from Chief Demkiw recommending that the Board approve the acceptance of a donation to be put toward the purchase of a new horse for the Service’s Mounted Unit. As the report notes, there is one single donor, Mr. Brian Burke, who intends to make an $11,300 donation to the Service’s Mounted Unit to purchase a new horse, which will allow the Service to replace retiring horses. As the report also notes, actions have been taken to ensure that the reputation of the Service and the Board will not be negatively impacted by the acceptance of this donation. As the report details, the Service expects two horses to retire within the near future, and the Mounted Unit requires a specified number of healthy horses to meet operational demands. This donation will ensure the continued viability of the unit, while also allowing for a donation that is purposeful and meaningful to both the Service and the donor. As the report states, this donor has previously donated a horse to the Service and wishes to do so again, both to help maintain a healthy complement for the Mounted Unit, and to continue the legacy of having a specified horse to represent and support the LGBTQ2S+ community.
As with all meetings, a recording of this meeting will be posted and archived to the Toronto Police Service YouTube account at https://www.youtube.com/TorontoPolice for members of the public to access later at their convenience.
Contact: Sandy Murray
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