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Making a Deputation to the Budget Committee

Any member of the public may, either on their own behalf or as a representative of an organization or group, appear at any public meeting of the Board and make a deputation.

The guidelines for making a deputation can be found in the procedural by-law and are summarized below:

  • the subject matter must pertain to an item on the meeting agenda
  • the request must be received no later than 4PM on the business day preceding the day of the meeting
  • the request must be made to the Board Administrator by completing the Request to Make a Deputation form below
  • the request must set out the particulars of the matter and include a copy of any materials that will be presented
  • the request may also be accompanied by written material, which will be made available to Board Members, and will become part of the Board's official record
  • the request must indicate the name, telephone number and email address of the speaker
  • unless otherwise directed by the Board, deputations will be restricted to five (5) minutes and will be addressed only to the stated business
  • a presentation on behalf of any organization or group may be made by more than a single representative but the entire submission on behalf of an organization or group will be limited to five minutes
  • the Chair may curtail any deputation or debate during a deputation for improper conduct or any other breach of the By-law
  • requests to make a deputation will not be considered once the meeting has commenced or otherwise at the discretion of the Chair
  • your presentation will be live streamed/videotaped as part of the regular Board meeting

Read the Overview of Rules to learn more about the rules governing making a deputation.

Request To Make A Deputation at the Budget Committee

Deputation requests are no longer accepted.