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Making a Deputation to the Budget Committee

Any member of the public may, either on their own behalf or as a representative of an organization or group, appear at any public meeting of the Board and make a deputation.

The guidelines for making a deputation can be found in the procedural by-law and are summarized below:

  • the subject matter must pertain to an item on the meeting agenda
  • the request must be received no later than 4PM on the business day preceding the day of the meeting
  • the request must be made to the Board Administrator by completing the Request to Make a Deputation form below
  • the request must set out the particulars of the matter and include a copy of any materials that will be presented
  • the request may also be accompanied by written material, which will be made available to Board Members, and will become part of the Board's official record
  • the request must indicate the name, telephone number and email address of the speaker
  • unless otherwise directed by the Board, deputations will be restricted to five (5) minutes and will be addressed only to the stated business
  • a presentation on behalf of any organization or group may be made by more than a single representative but the entire submission on behalf of an organization or group will be limited to five minutes
  • the Chair may curtail any deputation or debate during a deputation for improper conduct or any other breach of the By-law
  • requests to make a deputation will not be considered once the meeting has commenced or otherwise at the discretion of the Chair
  • your presentation will be live streamed/videotaped as part of the regular Board meeting

Read the Overview of Rules to learn more about the rules governing making a deputation.

Request To Make A Deputation at the Budget Committee

Name *
Email *
Phone number *
How would you prefer to give your deputation?*
In person
By WebEx/Phone
Written only
Agenda item
Upload a written deputation (optional) File types accepted: PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
or enter your written deputation here (optional)

Deputation requests are not currently accepted. 

Note: We have been encountering some technical difficulties. If you encounter any issues with the deputation request form, or do not recieve confirmation from our system after submission, please send an email to