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What's New

  • Make your voice heard! The Toronto Police Service Board is seeking public input on the overriding principles and key elements that should be a part of a policy on police action in respect of protests, demonstrations and occupations. Read more about our Public Order Policy Consultation process, and submit your feedback here or by mail.

  • Read the letter to Mayor Olivia Chow from the Board's Executive Director in response to City Council Item MM 11.37 - Keeping Toronto Safe from Hate, and learn more about the Toronto Police Service's response to hate crime in Toronto

  • Learn more about the Board's policing reforms and the progress we're making in improving the work the Toronto Police Service does for you

  • Important: To serve the Board with legal documents, please contact us in advance by email or by phone at 416-808-8080, to ensure we will be able to accept the documents at our offices located at Toronto Police Headquarters at 40 College Street.