Upcoming Meetings
The Toronto Police Service Board’s Appointments Committee will convene a standing meeting, every Friday at 8:00AM, unless otherwise notified. The meeting will be conducted virtually only. At this confidential meeting, the Committee will consider human resource matters that fall under section 44(2)(d) of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019.
The link to access the public portion of the meeting is below. However, please be advised that it is expected that the meeting will move to an in-camera session shortly after commencing.
What's New
Strategic Plan: Learn more about the development of our Strategic Plan, and register to recieve updates on opportunities to provide your input and feedback.
Hate Crime: Read the letter to Mayor Olivia Chow from the Board's Executive Director in response to City Council Item MM 11.37 - Keeping Toronto Safe from Hate, and learn more about the Toronto Police Service's response to hate crime in Toronto
Police Reform: Learn more about the Board's policing reforms and the progress we're making in improving the work the Toronto Police Service does for you
Legal Documents: To serve the Board with legal documents, please follow our Protocol for Serving Legal Documents on the Toronto Police Service Board by Email and In Person.